Saturday 23 February 2013

Safe and sound :-)

Hellooooo all, it's been a while since I wrote here last time. The most important reason of my hiatus, are my job and my semester break. My new job (Is 6 months still consider new?) is killing me, but I still survive. Ok, forget about my job. There are few things I would like to update here on what is happening during my semester break.
On outdoor activities
On 1st Janury 2013, I went to Tabur Hill, Melawati to hiking. It was really really really challenging compared to Broga Hill. I almost giving up, but finishing is my only option. To cut the story short, I make it with the with the most comot face and sweat like crazy, and with not accidently torn tracksuit (What a shame!).

Few weeks after, I went to FRIM also to hiking, which is much more easier than Broga and Tabur. I just love the waterfall there. It was so cold and breathtaking.

Whilst on the next day, I join the Milo run, which earlier they mentioned in the form it is 6.2 run, which in the end the route actually 9.5km! (Took me almost 2hours). And the saddest part is, at the moment I finished the run (read:walk), the Milo van already went off! Can u imagine my frustation?

 On Kampung Terusan
I also went back to my hometown, just because I miss my omak's cooking. Errrr I mean I miss my omak so much. I also take this opportunity to visit my abah's grave. Only Allah know how much I miss him. Alfatihah.

On Sehengus
We celebrate our sehengus's January birthday; Mau, Zils and Yah. We went to Publica, have lunch there and cakes and then take picture like nobody business. Speaking about how lucky am I to have this hip and crazy friends. Oh and don't worry Sapik, we already ate the Baskin Robbins ice cream cakes on your behalf. Hewhewwww

On Sabah Trip
On 22-26 January, I went to Sabah with my classmate. We went to Kota Kinabalu.Rent the Urvan and enjoy the journey to Kudat and Kundasang. The Tip of Borneo is one of the must visit place. We also went to Snorkling at Manukan, Mamutik and Sapi Island.  I cannot explain in words about the view. Subhanallah. InsyaAllah, will plan to go and be at the top of  Mount Kinabalu.


 On  age+1
On 12 February, it remarks my  age+1 birthday. Oh myyyy already this age? But why I always feel hip and young, like teenager? I am blessed with what I have now, omak and siblings, my sehengus, my emba clan. What I want in my life is people around me and happiness. I also wanna have breakfast or lunch or teatime or dinner or supper with the most dashing handsome Remy Ishak. Anyone wanna arrange for that?

Fuhhhhhh what a long entry, huh? Wanna guess when I will update this blog? Have a nice day ahead people!