Saturday 23 February 2013

Safe and sound :-)

Hellooooo all, it's been a while since I wrote here last time. The most important reason of my hiatus, are my job and my semester break. My new job (Is 6 months still consider new?) is killing me, but I still survive. Ok, forget about my job. There are few things I would like to update here on what is happening during my semester break.
On outdoor activities
On 1st Janury 2013, I went to Tabur Hill, Melawati to hiking. It was really really really challenging compared to Broga Hill. I almost giving up, but finishing is my only option. To cut the story short, I make it with the with the most comot face and sweat like crazy, and with not accidently torn tracksuit (What a shame!).

Few weeks after, I went to FRIM also to hiking, which is much more easier than Broga and Tabur. I just love the waterfall there. It was so cold and breathtaking.

Whilst on the next day, I join the Milo run, which earlier they mentioned in the form it is 6.2 run, which in the end the route actually 9.5km! (Took me almost 2hours). And the saddest part is, at the moment I finished the run (read:walk), the Milo van already went off! Can u imagine my frustation?

 On Kampung Terusan
I also went back to my hometown, just because I miss my omak's cooking. Errrr I mean I miss my omak so much. I also take this opportunity to visit my abah's grave. Only Allah know how much I miss him. Alfatihah.

On Sehengus
We celebrate our sehengus's January birthday; Mau, Zils and Yah. We went to Publica, have lunch there and cakes and then take picture like nobody business. Speaking about how lucky am I to have this hip and crazy friends. Oh and don't worry Sapik, we already ate the Baskin Robbins ice cream cakes on your behalf. Hewhewwww

On Sabah Trip
On 22-26 January, I went to Sabah with my classmate. We went to Kota Kinabalu.Rent the Urvan and enjoy the journey to Kudat and Kundasang. The Tip of Borneo is one of the must visit place. We also went to Snorkling at Manukan, Mamutik and Sapi Island.  I cannot explain in words about the view. Subhanallah. InsyaAllah, will plan to go and be at the top of  Mount Kinabalu.


 On  age+1
On 12 February, it remarks my  age+1 birthday. Oh myyyy already this age? But why I always feel hip and young, like teenager? I am blessed with what I have now, omak and siblings, my sehengus, my emba clan. What I want in my life is people around me and happiness. I also wanna have breakfast or lunch or teatime or dinner or supper with the most dashing handsome Remy Ishak. Anyone wanna arrange for that?

Fuhhhhhh what a long entry, huh? Wanna guess when I will update this blog? Have a nice day ahead people!

Friday 7 December 2012

First step of many

Good morning!!!!! I just came back from here.

Taman Tasik Permaisuri, 730 am

First step of many.
It's been few months am not jogging due to..hmm lazy, alone no friend to go, raining and the list goes on. But I changed my mind and do the first step! 3 rounds of Tasik Permaisuri and I sweat like crazy!

My next year target. Gotta push my butt for 10km run. I know I can do it!

And if you excuse me, I have few journals to read. Gotta go!

Thursday 6 December 2012

The life of pretty lady!

 Assalamualaikum and hello!

Yup am still alive, just been busy with the office work, which will have never ending story and with the class over the weekends. Speaking of that, no one knows how I missed my free and easy weekends so much.

So here, the pic of the class before the exam day, which happens two weeks ago if am not mistaken. Muka cuak simpan dalam hati beb! Haha!

And this is the picture what I have for late lunch and dessert. Just because am on leave and craving for own cook. Masterchef much huh?

Salmon grill and mix vege.
Warm bread pudding with vanilla ice cream and strawberry. And am using the new heart ship thing that I bought at Daiso. The most heaven thing during rainy day.
That's all for now. Till we meet again. Good nite! Or should I say Good Morning instead?

Friday 12 October 2012

The day I said YES..

I have an announcement to make..









I have successfully been converted to YES!

Hahahahahaha bet you guys thought I said yes to something else..

My friends know that I NEED the Internet and I need access to the internet all the time. Even in the car when going back to hometown, I’m on the laptop with my YES  dongle. Car rides have never been so fulfilling.

Anyway, you guys should get i! I like it because it’s Pay as You Go, so you only pay for what you used. It is the cheapest too. Also, the obvious reason, it is at least 3 times faster. I am the last person to like a page that loads for ages. I will just click X if t doesn’t load fast and then move on with my life. So yes, no, I’m always in good mood for that reason too.

There are other benefits too...can make calls from PC, can sms at the same time using same number on a  phone with the 018 number. You have to google if you want to know more!

Oh ! And this is a silly reason to like the YES dongle, but I love how it bends!



Autom.The.Talking.Robot (Robotic tone)

A new invention from an MIT graduate. Autom

A robot to interact with its owner in order to help him or her lose weight. The dieter will key in important information like weight, exercise regime, diet and goals and the Autom encourages the dieter to not give up and even gives feedback. Kinda like a food diary, but an actual robot to tell you off when you eat.

There was a trial and they found that people who used Autom stuck with the diet regiment longer than the people who just recorded on a piece of paper.


Kudos to the inventor for being incredibly intelligent to create a talking robot.

But my god. A device for telling me I’m fat and should stop eating? Sad...10 bucks says I’m going to turn it off. Or smash it like my previous alarm clock. May it rest in peace.

Seriously, can you imagine, happily unwarapping a Toblerone chocolate and suddenly, “What.Do.You.Think.You’re.Doing?Put.That.Down,” in some robotic tone.

And worse if it could roll itself towards me!. I won’t be able to sleep at night with Autom.
Yeah,cute and all with doe-like eyes. But come on, we’ve all seen Chucky, right?
Hahahahahaha! Opssssss sorry to scared you. For me, the most important thing is work life balance, eat healthy meal, exercise at least 3 times a week. But can I have a slice of cheesecake on my PMS day pretty please?

Masterchef on me

People close to me know that I loves to cook and trying out on new resipe . I don’t like to cook in a hurry or when I’m hungry, or worse, when I’m hungry and in a hurry. It can be so stressing. And when I turned into Incredible Hulk, I cannot focus on my cooking. And when I cannot focus on my cooking, my dishes turned out salty, what supposed to be soft and fluffy turned out rock hard, fingers sliced, plates crashed, burnt tea towels. It’s a mayhem! Ok fine, the last two did not happen but still, it could.

I find the easiest thing to cook when I’m in hurry/hungry situation is....SANDWICH. Can I call myself the Sandwich Queen? Coz I love sandwich and I love to make them. I could eat them everyday. I could make them everyday. And on my lazy day, I will only prepare sandwich for my meal. Smoked salmon, tuna, egg, cheese,mushroom and zucchini, chicken slice, you name it, I will prepared it within a minutes (with the stocks in fridge of course).

But on not so lucky day, I forgot to stock my main ingredients for my sandwich, which is the bread. I am damn hungry at that moment and start blogwalking to cooking blog and wipe my saliva on the screen.

And I saw this..
OMG! Its so superb! I never heard of bread maker and I never tought that I can homemade the bread. Its so simple to use. Just put all the ingredients in the bread maker before going to sleep and tadaaaaaa the bread is ready when I woke up in the morning. And I can make my favourate mushroom and zucchuni sandwhich straight away while sipping my hot chocolate. No issue if I forgot to stock up bread. Dreaming is free right?
My jaw dropped when saw this..

I already have a list to do when I see this colourful Kitchen Aid mixer. Pavlova, cheese cake, blueberry cake, devil choc cake and the list goes on. Pink one please for this almost 30yo lady?
And when I saw the price, my jaw dropped! Anyone wanna give that as my early birthday present? *wink wink*

To class or not?

Last week, my friends whatsapp-ed me these.
I asked her what is that? She said that is the exam notification on her CPA and she told me that she is now taking CPA, which is shortform of Certified Public Accountant.  I google-ed about that and found this:
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is the statutory title of qualified accountants in the United States who have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and have met additional state education and experience requirements for certification as a CPA. Individuals who have passed the Exam but have not either accomplished the required on-the-job experience or have previously met it but in the meantime have lapsed their continuing professional education are, in many states, permitted the designation "CPA Inactive" or an equivalent phrase. In most U.S. states, only CPAs who are licensed are able to provide to the public attestation (including auditing) opinions on financial statements. The exceptions to this rule are Arizona, Kansas, North Carolina and Ohio where, although the "CPA" designation is restricted, the practice of auditing is not.
Source: here
I also found out from my friend that if you enroll for CFA, there will be no class at all. They will gave you the module and you have to read at your own. My friend also informed that there is a forum to discuss on the subject and whatnot.
I know that IT have changed our education drastically! I cannot imagine if I at her situation. I mean, not going to class at all? No lecturer to ask question even a silly question? And no classmate to discuss about the subject during lunch hour or even going to karaoke after class to release our stress? And to who I will ask for any candy when am sleepy during the class? On a positive side, she no need to drive to class, can save money on petrol. And the best part is she can have her “own class”  with her pyjama on and sipping the coffee at the most cosy place, at her own house.  By then, I also cannot imagine if during the forum no one will assist me, or maybe the forum will make me more confused! Me, on the other hand, have to wake up early in the morning, dress  up nicely and sacrificed my weekends.
In the end, it all depends on ourselves, to take our own initiative to success in the exam. With class or not, with classmates or not, we still can succeed, and of course with Allah’s bless. Best of luck to my friend and also my classmate!